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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

OB visit at 13 weeks

It seems like I'm always at the doctor's office these days! Between my OB, Perinatal specialist, Endocrinologist, and Nutritionist... Steve & I have a very busy schedule. Although we love the fact that I get more sonograms done than most women! Today the doctor says I'm 13 weeks and I'm just gonna go with it... So far, she says that I'm progressing very nicely!

The beginning of my baby bump!

We were trying to see if we could detect the sex of the baby but FBF had a different idea! He/She had a hand over the area and the legs stretched out as if to say "Hee hee I'm not tellin!"

3 comments on "OB visit at 13 weeks"

Loretta:) said...

Congratulations you guys! Kelly you are adorable:)

Anonymous said...

The baby can't leave it's crotch alone. Congratulations, it's a boy!

Dad said...

Cute bump!! ):


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