Here's what's been going on recently...
Childbirth class! Steve and I took a 6 hour course at the hospital to help prepare us for the big day. We learned about what to expect during labor and how to time contractions, the pros and cons to an epidural (YES please!), the baby's first year of life, and breastfeeding. We practiced the "hee hee hoooos" of Lamaze breathing and took a tour of the labor/delivery and postpartum floor of the hospital. We asked our instructor if she had ever had any Diabetic patients (she's a nurse at the hospital) and she said that my hospital is the best in the area for high risk patients. It was a shock to hear that I wouldn't be able to eat or drink once admitted to the hospital! In 18 years, I've never been able to miss a meal due to my disease! She said that I would have 2 IV drips, one with saline and glucose, one with insulin. They will test my sugars once an hour and adjust my levels accordingly. The BEST part of the day was when our instructor used Steve as her guinea pig and had him lay on the delivery bed with his legs up, demonstrating what pushing looks like!
Doctor's visits: I have continued to see my new doctor (that I love!) once a week. Around 32 weeks along, my visits will be twice a week to begin fetal monitoring where they hook me up to a machine to measure the baby's movement. The one noteworthy thing that the doctor has said is that they will not let me go past 39 weeks! The risk of a Diabetic having a large baby and mother or baby medical complications after 39 weeks increases. Therefore my due date has been moved up a week to January 25th! This also means that if I don't go into labor naturally, I will be induced with Pitocin which will make my contractions stronger and more painful... oh goody. As a planner, it was nice to hear that there is more of a definite date when I will give birth! Plus it helps my parents make their travel plans :)
Baby movement! This little lady is definitely a dancer with how much she moves around! Plus she's a night owl like her mommy & daddy because every night after dinner until I go to bed (and even after), she's a movin and a shakin. She moves during the day as well, just not as much. At my most recent sonogram I found out that it's actually her arms and not her legs that I'm feeling based on her body position! Her head is already down and she's in perfect birthing position... the tech said she shouldn't move much from this position this far in the pregnancy unless she's a tricky one which does happen. The movement has been really fun to feel and see and it still makes Steve giggle and say "That's so weird!" every time. She has started kicking/punching my ribs too which is definitely NOT fun but I'm thinking it's nothing compared to labor so I can deal with it!
My little alien...
No more pictures please!
2 comments on "Welcome to the 3rd trimester!"
Wow. Great information. I wish you could have had a blog when you were a teenager. I would have know what was really going on. ): Actually, now that I think of it, that would have been TMI.
The science of sonograms has progressed so much; the pictures are incredible. It sounds like you are in good hands, with a caring medical staff and that makes me very comfortable.
That said, the thought of Steve in the birthing position will require an extra drink tonight to help me fall asleep.
January 25th!! It's in my phone and on the calender! Big sisterness here I come!!!
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